About the Foundation
Here at Texas Foundation for Maternal Infant and Lactation Knowledge, our non-profit research works towards improving the breastfeeding experience of families. Our outreach efforts are guided to educate parents and health care providers with the most up to date recommendations available.
Built on a business model created by mothers for mothers, we started out in Reno, Nevada where we were well known for our lactation workshops and support groups. The first state-based funds we received were used to provide breast-feeding friendly retreat tents and amenities for breastfeeding mothers at community based events.
Since those humble beginnings, we have expanded into research and medical-grade instrument development to further our understanding of the physio-kinetics of milk movement from the breast to the baby. In the future we hope to be able to provide instruments to providers that will analyze difficulties with breastfeeding to improve treatment options and care plans.
We pride ourselves on expanding the information and resources available to new mothers and their health care providers alike. We are extremely excited to be newly re-launching the Foundation based in San Antonio, Texas.
Please make yourself at home, here on our website, and SUBSRCIBE to stay updated on free breastfeeding resources, tips, and tricks, as well as the newest upcoming research projects. Thank you for your time and have a blessed day.
Get to know more about our knowledgable and professional staff HERE.